Mind-Body Training Associates are taking a break from social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Over the last 10 years we have seen many positive benefits to social media in allowing people to connect and share useful information. Recently however, we are conscious of a significant increase in unhelpful "noise" and an overall decrease in the emotional tone and quality of content presented. For these reasons, we have decided to discontinue our usage of these platforms for the time being so that we can focus on more intimate and meaningful connections.
Why not call us and speak to a real human being who will actually listen to you? Let's have a real conversation about how we might be able to help you achieve all your most important goals from a place of radiant joy and clarity.
Give us a call on +1 815 679 9007 or send us a message and an associate will gladly call you back.
Thank you for understanding and we look forward to truly connecting with you soon! 🙂